Findon Valley Residents' Association
Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us
Tuesday15th October: Findon Valley Free Church
Chair's Welcome
Guests present Sharon Leppard (Great Little Farmers Market), Richard and Allie Moore (FVFC)
In attendance
Lorraine Taylor (LT) Neil Worsfold (NW) Denise Edwards (DE) Terry Field (TF) Clive Sanders (CS) Paula Barnes (PB) Sean Philip (SP) Chloe Paddock (CP)
Matthew Ward (MW)
Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising
Missed apologies for Paula Barnes, minutes now amended.
No other Matters arising from Officers Reports, the Minutes from last meeting were agreed and are to be published on Website and held in the library.
Christmas Extravaganza 2024
The CE will take place in and around FVFC and the library. Thanks to FVFC for allowing this to take place free of charge.
It was agreed that stalls selling food items will be in the church, hot food stalls to be outside.
Alcohol stalls must be off the church premises and suggest the green area between the Library and the Surgery, raffle tickets will be given in return for a donation/entry fee, in line with church request.
There is room for 30 stalls inside or 25 if a performance space is required . It is agreed that performers will use the stage in the main church.
Roundabout, Candy floss and Slush outside. Rides can take a fee from customers and keep it.
FVFC can provide volunteers to help at event. They will be running a coffee bar in the church and have bistro style seating for people to sit at. No coffee vendor will be needed.
Church can also offer craft activities (Face painting, lantern making), so will be able to fit 4 in the activities room. Allie will ask her Face Painter to attend.
A gift of The Nativity Story for Father Christmas to give out may be donated by FVFC.
FVFC does not need a list of vendors.
The stage inside the church can be used by choirs from The Vale (perform first) church choir and Singers ReChoired.
Application for pitch needs to ask if stall holders need a table or will bring their own.
Stall holder competition for best decorated stall, prize for winner. Father Christmas to judge.
Access to smaller rooms can be from midday, main hall available after pre-school finishes at 3pm.
Santas Grotto in small lounge.
Some businesses have previously agreed to donate prizes. Including Kavanagh’s Bathrooms, Jacobs Steel, Attles Locksmiths.
CP has approached supermarkets for prizes, but no response.
PB approached Findon Vale Garden Centre regarding a Christmas tree but no response.
FVRA have battery candles in store, LT obtained an inflatable snowman which can be displayed.
Food vendors confirmed: Summit Tasty. PB will approach Doughnut vendor, Sharon to approach Jacob Bagels to provide pretzels, stollen [Tino is not available, Paula is trying to find an alternative], Magpies., Cat Burglar and Meghan Bakes.
Town Crier is booked.
Church can provide music inside and outside and have a licence.
Main focus at next meeting on 12th November will be drawing up an Action Plan for event.
Immediate Action
LT and Sharon to collaborate on an application form for stall holders.
SP and DE to begin to secure raffle prizes from local businesses.
PB to approach The Vale Choir and Findon Vale Garden Centre for Hamper prize.
PB to source one way system signage and send to Richard Moore for printing.
NW to draw up event timeline.
CP to source chocolate coins for FC present.
SP, NW and Richard advertising event on website and Facebook, church community. For a small fee advertising can be boosted on Facebook.
Allie Moore will approach pre-school to see if they would like a stall.
Health and Safety at CE
CS to check insurance for Terms and Conditions.
A risk assessment will need to be carried out.
To ensure crowd safety, a one-way system will be implemented. There is no limit to number of people.
Treasurers Report
· September income £409.37
· Expenditure £958.09
· Gross Total £14,331.93
· 5K income £938.64
· 5K expenditure £425.23
· Balance donated to PCaSO £513.41
· Awaiting donation of £200 from Jacobs Steel towards costs of medals
· CS stated that as a principle, monies raised by events to be donated to charities should be described as “proceeds going to charity”, rather than stipulating an amount to be donated. This is to ensure that amount donated is after expenses are paid. It was agreed to stick to this principle going forward.
Membership Report
· Current membership as at end of September 347
· 8 renewals
· 4 new
· Mailerlite email marketing; 514 subscribers, 326 are members
School Liaison
· School contacted regarding presentation of £200 donation (from dog show) towards Quiet Garden, no response.
· Head Teacher asked MW to draw up plans for Quiet Garden and he will be visiting the school on 22nd October to discuss this joint venture.
· Children will be working with MW in Community Garden in November.
· Emily the Ranger and Claire from school have been contacted regarding clearing the wildflower patch, no response.
· Friends of the Vale have been asked if they would like a stall at Christmas Extravaganza (CE), no response.
· The school has committed to having 2 stalls at CE, one for a charity and one for Venture Club.
FVRA Working Party
· We had a good session creating a new circular bed under the memorial Magnolia in the library garden, we are going to add bedding and bulbs next session
· On the first Tuesday session we pruned the big cotoneaster off the Sorbus memorial tree, to the consternation of the librarian!
· Next work party is at the community orchard on Saturday 19th October, 10am.
· Next session at the library garden Tuesday 5th November, 2pm
· I am meeting members of Worthing Larks Morris to discuss a Wassailing event in the orchard next January
· I am going to Vale school to develop plans for the Quiet Garden there
Chairs Report
· Markets
Footfall was up for September market, more stallholders attended. At October market, there will be a Halloween theme, stall holders will provide gifts for a raffle. Children’s activity with a Halloween theme will take place. Sue Lanceley (charity) donated £14.50 from her takings and will attend the next market. New MP Tom Rutland will be attending next market from 9.30am.
· Environment around Library
LT had a discussion with David Austin from AWC about moving planters on Kings Parade, obtaining another recycling Hopper and tidying up of area around electricity substation. This has been a lengthy process.
· Cissbury Fields Working Group
CS attended a meeting on site on Thursday 10th October, no minutes yet received. CS outlined the main points of discussion.
There are many parties involved in the project. Therefore, a high-level application needs to be completed by December. It will include funding for fencing, car park, 5-year plan for biodiversity. It was viewed as positive for the outcome of the application and will be confirmed in April 2025. The management plan will involve cows eating the grass down, cutting down Ragwort. Communication with the community and residents will be vital including website, timeline, posters and an information meeting after decision has been received. An update session could be included as part of the AGM.
Local History Project
· James Sainsbury, historian from Worthing Museum attended the last meeting on 27th September. He did a presentation on the ancient history of Cissbury and Findon Valley. The meeting was well attended by approximately 70 people.
· Next meeting is on Friday 25th October and Colin Reid and Mary McKeown will be talking about The Typhus Epidemic of 1893.
· NW would like to gather contact information of the FVRA Friends Working Party.
· CS stated that the History group meetings are running at a loss. It was agreed to propose a raise in entrance fee to £3 [I don't remember this but if you do, leave it in!]at the next History Group meeting and to discuss the way forward with future events.
· LT will be attending a meeting in November with the Lottery Fund to apply for funding from the Heritage Fund which will help pay for resources. Kellys Directories were recently purchased as a one off. Income from October meeting, which will cover the cost of James Sainsbury, will show in next month’s accounts.
· SP to update website advertising History Group meetings which take place on last Friday of the month.
· Jim Booth has agreed to be History Group archivist.
· LT has asked Elizabeth Sparks from WBC to arrange a meeting regarding Highways plan.
· SP has received data on traffic collisions, but this seems to show a low rate of incidents.
· LT proposed that DE should be a signatory on bank account, this was agreed.
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 12th November 7pm FVFC
Please forward any AOB suggestions to chair by Friday 8th November for inclusion in this meeting. To ensure we finish promptly, some issues may be deferred to the next meeting.