Findon Valley Residents' Association
Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us
Tuesday 11th June: Findon Valley Free Church
In attendance
Lorraine Taylor (LT), Chloe Paddock (CP), Paula Barnes (PB), Neil Worsfold (NW), Sean Philip (SP), Denise Edwards (DE), Terry Field (TF)
Clive Sanders (CS), Matthew Ward (MW)
Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising
· Ed Mitchell (PCSO) held a meeting with the community in the library on Tuesday 21st May at 4pm, 1 person attended.
· A discussion about access to Road Traffic Accident data took place and it was agreed that SP would investigate requesting data from WSCC/Police.
· The Bioblitz with Emily the Ranger took place on 25th May and the data from this is to be published on the website. Butterfly Walk to take place on 3rd August. A monthly bird survey takes place by Shoreham District Ornithological Society (SDOS) and this data will be published on the website.
· NW to research trolleys for transporting equipment to events.
· No other Matters arising from Officers Reports, the Minutes from May meeting were agreed and are to be published on Website and held in the library.
Webmaster’s Report
· SP reported that the new website went live today, the 11th. Please feedback any issues.
Chair's Report and Planning the year ahead
· Expenses and Insurance
CS has requested that expenses for under £50 can be claimed using a form, anything over £50 has to be agreed by committee.
· Highways Update
LT attended a highways meeting by invitation. A wish list of 20mph speed restrictions was discussed. Adam Bazley from WSCC Clapham Depot, will research which scheme is best suited for the area. This might include illuminated signs and residents will need to be consulted/informed by leaflet from FVRA.
There are concerns over the traffic around The Vale School, this would require a School Travel Plan, Head Teacher, David Tow will be consulted.
2 hours restricted parking around Lime Tress Surgery would affect the service road at surgery and beginning of Coombe Rise.
· Kings Parade Planters
The 2 planters by the Merry Miller are to be moved to the community garden. The end planter is to be repaired and replanted by Geoff the mower.
· Complaint
A complaint has been received about an overhanging hedge that belongs to a private resident, by the bus stop at the cemetery. LT will try to approach resident about this matter.
· Market June 30th
We will be joined by Limetree Wellbeing Team who will offer health checks and advice to veterans. Paydens Pharmacy will be offering information about the Pharmacy First scheme.. The Cabin in the car park will be required.
· Market July 28th
Tombola will be offered using anything left over from dog show.
· New Textile Hopper
We are awaiting the arrival of a new textile hopper which is due any day.
· Community Allotment
We are waiting for result of a bid for funding.
· Dog Show Sunday 21st July 11am to 4pm
Volunteers needed for marshalling, litter picking and manning a Tombola.
LT has secured sponsorship from local businesses to sponsor different classes at £20 per class.
Cars will park on Gallops behind their stall, council will unlock gate at 8.30am. £200 securi-ty will be paid by Umbrella Events.
Umbrella events will provide rosettes, judges, registration etc. and will update poster and advertise event.
FVRA to provide PA system
· Community Orchard Picnic Saturday 10th August 11am to 3pm
Attendees to bring their own food and to take home their own rubbish.
It was agreed to book The Worthing Steel Band at a cost of £200.
SP to add the ability to register an interest to attend on website
SP to develop a What’s on Leaflet to be handed out at markets.
LT to ask Sharon (markets) for ice cream/coffee van contact.
LT to complete a Risk Assessment for the event.
SDNP ranger intends to carve the fallen log into a seat in time for the event.
· Mini Passport Holiday Activity
SP to set up holiday activity for children in local area whereby they visit certain locations as checkpoints to collect in a passport, Checkpoints might include businesses, landmarks etc. Maybe stamps or punches to be used as a mark in the passport,
· FV5K Sunday 8th September
Jacobs Bagels will attend event.
SP to speak to CS about payment for entry and will research numbers for vests etc.
· Wiston Winery Tour Friday 6th September 11am
This will be booked via website at £20 per head a maximum of 20 people.
· Open Garden at Plantation Rise Friday 23rd August 2pm
There will be tour at a cost of £5 per head, maximum of 10 people can be booked on web-site.
· Chalk Farm Visit
LT approached Chalk Farm flowers at the market to see what they could offer. They can of-fer a tour of the farm and Cream Tea for £12,50 per head. Date to be confirmed.
· Ford Recycling Plant Visit Wednesday 28th August -POSTPONED
This will be rebooked for October as it’s too short notice to complete the admin required.
· Art Exhibition Saturday 20th July 10am to 4pm
FV art group are to hold an exhibition which is open to the public in FVFC,
FVRA “Event Today“ flags will need to go up outside church hall.
Treasurer's Report
May 2024 Current Account Balance £4,589.44 . Gross accounts total £13,952.77
Membership Report
Current Membership to end of May 366 Including 68 renewals
Schools Liaison
· School Fair Friday 12th July 4,30pm to 7,30pm. LT and PB will be offering magnet making for a small charge.
· Then and Now photos will be displayed. Volunteers will be needed to help transport, set up, man and take down equipment from 3,30pm.
Friends of Findon Valley Report
Next Working Part Saturday 22nd June meet at the Store at 10am
Ragwort Pulling Sessions on Cissbury 19/06, 25/07, 14/08 10-2.30 meet at Storrington Rise Car Park
Next Community Gardening Session Tuesday 02/07 2pm
FV History Project
FV History group to have a monthly meeting at FVFC on the last Friday of the month 2pm to 4pm at a cost of £10per hour.
Paul Holden from the Worthing Journal will be invited to the inaugural meeting and is offering a double page spread about the project.
TF hoping to invite Chris Hare, a local historian to attend a meeting.
Other possible contacts are Tony Lovatt (retired Head Teacher the Vale) and Colin Reed a local historian.
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 9th July 7pm FVFC