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FVRA Committee Minutes August 2023

Writer's picture: FVRAFVRA

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Tuesday 8th August: Findon Valley Free Church

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Terri Binstead (TB), Clive Sanders (CS), Colin Binstead (CB), Neil Worsfold (NW), Paula Barnes (PB), Chloe Paddock (CP).



Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and can now be published on the web site and notice boards.

It was decided that a QR code on the membership forms would not go ahead.

A frame still needs to be bought to display the King and Queen’s card.


LA suggested that we advertise for a Communications and Web Site Content Officer and this was agreed by the committee. He is also keen to ask a local resident interested in the history of Findon Valley if he would like to be our historian.

An art exhibition run by Findon Valley Art Group is to be held at FVFC hall on 19th August.

LA had met with the Chairs of Findon and Patching and had been given advice re the procedure if travellers set up in the area. It was agreed that FVRA should formally approach our WBC Councillors with regard the risks and the need for a height barrier at Coombe Rise car park. He had also discussed the possibility of free Emergency First Aid training by St John’s Ambulance. PB Will discuss with a local known course provider.

WSCC Libraries have advised we are unable to use the library as our registered address.

LA has still not heard from the charity commission about our constitution.

Vice Chair

The July market was well attended despite the weather and the Lions sea front fair.

The library garden is looking good and thanks was given to Geoff who has been mowing the grass at the front and Matthew for maintaining the garden. Also thanks to Maggie for managing the planters so well. Elizabeth Sparkes was very complimentary about the garden.

LT has approached the well being team at AWC to ask if they could provide instruction for residents on how to use the exercise equipment on the Gallops. Awaiting a response.


TB has spoken to Sue T about her idea of an art exhibition in the valley and she is happy to try and organise one probably for next year. She is aware that FVRA can only give limited support.


The account balance is £11,691.19

There was nothing else to report this month.

Membership Secretary

Current membership stands at 378 now. NW produced membership data for the month as per usual.

Schools liaison

School is closed now for the summer holidays and PB reflected on the achievements through the year which she intends to continue with again in the new school year.The school thanked FVRA for our involvement through the year and stated how much the children enjoy the joint initiatives.


The footpath up from the A27 to Storrington Rise car park was cleared by the July working party.The next challenge is clearing the ragwort in field 4 when Emily Ford A&W Ranger will attend. This is taking place on the 19th August.

Fay, the new SDNP Ranger is keen to promote Cissbury Fields at the sheep fair.Money from SDNP is being granted for the Community Orchard, hopefully with planting this coming winter.

The number of butterflies in the fields has been exceptional this year with many varied species and the library garden has been flowering well.


CS attended a meeting with Elizabeth Sparkes and Adam Bazely to present the highway proposals agreed by the committee.They have committed to discussing the proposals with other members of their teams and will report back.

LA noted the WSCC “school streets” initiative that is being tested at a Thomas a Becket school in September and might have useful ideas for roads around the Vale.

Web Administrator

TA has worked hard as usual on the website and produced some figures regarding visits to the web site.He is maintaining a very informative site and has suggested a competition that would hopefully attract new users and members. It was agreed that this could be reviewed further, for possibly early 2024.

TA will attend committee meetings quarterly but continue to produce monthly reports.

Events and Media

October Concert, 27th Oct. The temporary event notice has been granted by AWC and a booking form has been sent to the school. Brighton Big Band have increased their price and also want a PA system. Committee agreed to providing it. Rock Choir have been booked and have sent an invoice. Richard from FVFC has agreed to help with marketing etc.

Christmas Extravaganza and market 7th Dec. CB has applied for a road closure to cover Kings Parade. Arundel Gin have already asked for a stall and will apply for the alcohol licence.


LT mentioned that a few people have already asked her about a Christmas Day Lunch this year for people suffering social isolation. There are some funds left from last year, £612.36 but more money will be needed as well as more help than we had last year.

Date of next meeting Tuesday 12th September 7.00pm at FVFC

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