The Gallops Wild Flowers

The Gallops Wild Flowers

Kite Flying on the Gallops

In 2020 Adur and Worthing council decided to stop regularly mowing the grass on the Gallops. The resulting wild flower explosion has been spectacular.

Following complaints from some users about the lack of short grass to play ball games on FVRA convened a meeting between users, our local park ranger, Graeme Brooker and councillor Dan Humphreys a compromise solution was sought. Mowing will continue at the south end, by the hard path up to High Salvington, below the children’s playground.

The wildflowers are at their best towards the north end where the land has never been cultivated. There are valley residents who can remember crops being grown on parts of the field. During the last war this would have certainly been the case. Downland flora does best on poor chalky soils which are undisturbed. It has been wonderful to see the flowers reappear after years of mowing, they lie in wait, ready to grow as soon as conditions allow. Among the species to be seen are, Knapweed, Scabious, Hemp Agrimony, Vetches, Pyramidal Orchid, Bee Orchid and Autumn Ladies Tresses – a small orchid. There are also patches of Yellow Rattle appearing, this parasitic plant weakens grasses and so encourages more wild flowers.

Children from the Vale school nearby have cleared an area on the west side of the Gallops and regularly sow wild flower seeds as part of their nature studies.