
2023 FVRA Constitution

As approved at the 2023 FVRA Annual General Meeting on 11/03/2023


The name of the Association shall be known as the Findon Valley Residents’ Association hereafter known as FVRA, with a non-political, non-sectarian and non-profit making policy.


  1. To protect the interests, civic and otherwise, of Findon Valley residents.
  2. To preserve, develop and improve the amenities, environmental aspects and natural surroundings of Findon Valley.
  3. To encourage and build the growth of the community spirit among Findon Valley residents.


  1. To act as a co-ordinating body on behalf of all residents and to co-operate with the local/national government statutory authorities – Worthing Borough Council, West Sussex County Council, Highways Agency – and other local organisations, special interest groups and charities with similar aims to those of the FVRA in order to resolve local issues.
  2. To inform both residents and the wider community of FVRA activities, giving advice and information through regular newsletters (printed and electronic), ad-hoc campaign leaflets and the FVRA website.
  3. To organise the Annual General Meeting and other ad-hoc social events for local residents.
  4. To raise funds through inviting/receiving contributions from any person or persons or business by means of subscription, donation or otherwise, provided that the FVRA shall not undertake any permanent trading activities in raising funds for its primary purpose.


  1. Membership of FVRA is automatically open to all residents living in the Findon Valley area of Worthing and over the age of 16.
  2. All communication with members will usually be via one or more of the following, email service, (e.g. Mailchimp, Vale School Parentmail), social media, (e.g. Facebook and Instagram), free local publication delivered to residents. (e.g. Sussex Local and Inside Cissbury), FVRA website. (, and FVRA noticeboards in the Valley.
  3. Any resident who wishes to opt-out of membership is requested to advise the membership secretary (see website or leave addressed letter at Findon Valley Library) who will remove that person from any FVRA list or platform excepting the Opt-out list.
  4. It shall be the responsibility of members to keep the membership secretary informed of his/her preferred email addresses.
  5. A copy of the constitution, contact details for committee members, details of any planned meetings and how to include an item on an agenda shall be available on the FVRA website. Committee minutes will be posted on the website and FVRA notice boards.
  6. Any future intended membership fees will be agreed in Annual General Meeting (AGM) or other General Meeting. Any money raised by, or on behalf of, the Association will be used to further the Association’s stated aims.
  7. Associate membership is open to people who do not live in Findon Valley, but who are interested in helping the FVRA achieve its aims. The FVRA Committee retains the right to grant or withhold associate member status, and whether or not to grant voting rights to associate members, at the time they join FVRA as associate members.
  8. Where a members’ meeting is called and voting is due to take place, members may be asked upon entry for reasonable proof of address before being able to take part in any vote.
  9. Voting membership will end when a member stops living in the Valley, opts out (see (3) above) or passes away.
  10. FVRA exists for the greater benefit of the Findon Valley environment and community. As a registered charity FVRA cannot be used as a ‘platform’ by individuals or other groups to progress their own campaigns or lobbying.


  1. There is an annual subscription for membership but see 4.6 above.
  2. Members’ names, addresses and email addresses shall be stored securely and maintained on a proprietory database by the FVRA Membership Secretary, primarily to enable the issue of email newsletters and information that the committee believes to be relevant. This Information is not passed onto any outside organisation whatsoever excepting trusted and necessary agents eg Charities Aid Foundation (for Direct Debit donation processing) and email service providers.


  1. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held by 31 March each year in a convenient local venue, or online eg via Zoom if likely to gain a wider attendance, or if ‘pandemic’ or similar conditions are in force.
  2. Notification is to be made to residents via noticeboards, social media, FVRA email recipients and (subject to print deadlines) local free publications, at least 14 days prior to the AGM.
  3. The AGM gives all residents the opportunity to hear about all FVRA activities, receive reports on audited accounts and other information from committee members as well as participating in any forthcoming discussions.
  4. At the AGM an auditor, who shall not be Committee member, shall be proposed and appointed for the current calendar year with the approval of the members present.
  5. Twenty members present (physically, or online via Zoom (or similar) meetings) shall constitute a quorum for voting to take place.
  6. Elected representatives, primarily our current Member of Parliament, County and Borough Councillors will be invited to meetings and will each have voting rights as for members.
  7. Extraordinary General Meetings shall be held at the written request of members representing not less than twenty members.
  8. At any AGM and at an Extraordinary Meeting the Chair must preside or in his/her absence the Vice Chair. In the absence of both, the meeting will elect its own Chair who will have both a deliberative and a casting vote.
  9. Non-FVRA members may be admitted as guests to formal meetings eg AGMs at the discretion of the chair or Vice-chair, but will not be entitled to vote unless they join FVRA.
  10. Persons using abusive, threatening or disruptive behaviour may be asked to leave events or meetings (including AGMs), and if a majority of FVRA trustees agree, such individuals’ membership may be cancelled.


  1. Nominations for the election of officers shall be made in writing at least 10 days before the AGM. Such nominations shall be seconded in writing and the consent of the proposed nominee must have been obtained first.
  2. If the nominations exceed the number of vacancies, a ballot shall take place in such a manner as shall be determined, providing that only those members of the FVRA as attend the AGM (or correctly submit a proxy vote) shall be entitled to cast a vote.
  3. The election of the officers shall be completed prior to the election of additional committee members.
  4. The FVRA officers of the committee shall consist of:
    • Chair
    • Vice Chair
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Membership Secretary
      With the exception of the Chair, all of the above shall relinquish their office every year and shall be eligible for re-election at the AGM. A member who has been elected Chair for 4 successive years shall not be eligible to hold the office for a fifth consecutive year.
  5. The FVRA Officers of the committee have the power to co-opt other members.


  1. The FVRA Committee comprises the officers as listed above and no more than 10 other committee members. The officers and members of the committee shall normally be resident or working in Findon Valley, with the power to co-opt others (up to the requirement) from outside.
  2. The FVRA Committee shall have the power to invite further members to attend in an advisory and non-voting capacity.
  3. The Committee shall be responsible for the management and administration of FVRA activities.
  4. The Committee shall meet monthly at a suitable local venue or online (eg via zoom), with the Secretary giving all members not less than 7 days’ notice of the next meeting and the issue of the previous meeting’s minutes.
  5. The committee quorum shall comprise four committee members.
  6. Officers and committee members each have a vote on any issue where a decision has to be made; in the event of equality in the votes cast, the Chair shall have the second or casting vote.
  7. If a member of the Committee fails to attend 3 consecutive meetings, the remaining individuals may declare the seat vacant.


  1. The Committee may constitute such sub-committees from time to time as shall be considered as necessary.
  2. The Committee shall appoint the Chair and Secretary of each sub-committee with all action/proceedings of each sub-committee reported to the Committee as soon as possible.
  3. Individuals of the Committee may be members of any sub-committee and membership of a sub-committee shall be no bar to appointment to membership to the Committee.
  4. Sub-committees shall be subordinate to the Committee and may be regulated or dissolved by the Committee.


  1. The Committee shall, out of the FVRA funds, pay all reasonable expenses of the administration and management of all FVRA operations.
  2. After the administration/management expenses and the setting aside to reserve of such funds as may be deemed expedient, the Committee shall apply the remaining amount for the benefit of the community, as deemed fit and appropriate by the committee.


  1. The minute books, account books and all other property of the FVRA, including any letters or documents (electronic and paper) relating in any way to FVRA affairs, shall be entrusted to the Secretary, Treasurer or any other officer or member of the Committee.
  2. Any officer or committee member who leaves the committee shall within 7 days hand over to the Chair any property of the FVRA with which he/she may have been entrusted.


  1. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds’ majority of a quorum of members present at an AGM or an Extraordinary Meeting, provided at least 14 days’ notice of the proposed amendments has been given to all members, and provided that nothing herein contained shall authorise any amendment the effect of which would cause the FVRA at any time to cease to be a charity in law.


  1. TThe power in the appointment of trustees shall be vested with the Committee.
  2. The number of trustees should be at least three and do not necessarily need to be FVRA members. The names of the trustees will be published on the Charity Commission website, being standard practice for charities.
  3. The following role holders will automatically become trustees unless they individually request otherwise: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, membership Secretary.
  4. The FVRA shall indemnify the Trustees in the discharge of their duties and liability, providing that such indemnity shall relate to a proper administrative expense that could not otherwise have been completed without cost by a volunteer.
  5. The FVRA shall notify in writing any amendments to the constitution that may affect the duties of the Trustees.


  1. Any complaint about FVRA will be considered by the committee, considering ‘both sides’ of any dispute or difference.
  2. Complaints against an individual committee member will be considered by the trustees, considering that member’s statement also.
  3. Complaints against an individual trustee will be considered by the other trustees, considering that trustee’s statement also.


  1. The FVRA may at any time be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of members voting at an AGM or Extraordinary Meeting, confirmed by a simple majority of members present voting at a further General Meeting held not less than 14 days after the previous Extraordinary Meeting.
  2. If a motion for dissolution of the FVRA is to be proposed at the AGM or Extraordinary Meeting, this motion shall be referred to specifically when the notice of the General Meeting is given.
  3. In the event of dissolution of the FVRA, the available funds shall be transferred to such one or more charitable institutions having objectives similar or reasonably similar to those therein before declared as shall be chosen by the Committee and approved by the General Meeting at which the decision to dissolve the FVRA is confirmed.


Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

The FVRA is a registered charity in England and Wales
Registration No. 267009